Symbol: Eating
a meal alone
Lesson: Much
more enjoyable eating with others. This is also true spiritually.
There was a time while working for an international communications firm that I
traveled throughout northern California (Chico to Bakersfield). I was given a
per diem of $30/day for meals. I would eat frugally for both breakfast and
lunch so that when dinner came I could “eat like a king.” To me, that would be
having a shellfish dinner, either lobster or crab or shrimp. If I had to throw
in a little extra from my own pocket, it was still no big deal.
After a while, I began to
realize that while I did enjoy the meal, I noticed those around me enjoying
their family or business companions. I however, because I was a lone-tech,
always ate alone. That got boring and emotionally unrewarding after a while. I
noticed I enjoyed eating a simple meal at home (when I was in town) with my
family more than the luxurious meals I had on the road by myself.
By extension, this is also
true of any activity. At Hebrews
10:24,25 Paul tells us that truly spiritually mature Christians appreciate
the value of meeting together. Additionally, Jude spoke of Christian gatherings
as love feasts.
These were not merely physical meals and jovial gatherings. They were spiritual
banquets as evidenced by the context that the effect of some attendees was
subversive. Indeed, just as eating alone can nourish but not encourage, reading
and studying alone will do the same. It is much more encouraging to gather with
like-minded Christians.
Notes: n/a