Thursday, October 30, 2014

Enjoy Spiritual Company

Symbol: Eating a meal alone

Lesson: Much more enjoyable eating with others. This is also true spiritually.

Illustration: There was a time while working for an international communications firm that I traveled throughout northern California (Chico to Bakersfield). I was given a per diem of $30/day for meals. I would eat frugally for both breakfast and lunch so that when dinner came I could “eat like a king.” To me, that would be having a shellfish dinner, either lobster or crab or shrimp. If I had to throw in a little extra from my own pocket, it was still no big deal.

After a while, I began to realize that while I did enjoy the meal, I noticed those around me enjoying their family or business companions. I however, because I was a lone-tech, always ate alone. That got boring and emotionally unrewarding after a while. I noticed I enjoyed eating a simple meal at home (when I was in town) with my family more than the luxurious meals I had on the road by myself.

By extension, this is also true of any activity. At Hebrews 10:24,25 Paul tells us that truly spiritually mature Christians appreciate the value of meeting together. Additionally, Jude spoke of Christian gatherings as love feasts. These were not merely physical meals and jovial gatherings. They were spiritual banquets as evidenced by the context that the effect of some attendees was subversive. Indeed, just as eating alone can nourish but not encourage, reading and studying alone will do the same. It is much more encouraging to gather with like-minded Christians.

Notes: n/a

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Family Business

Symbol: Father and Son business

Lesson: God and Jesus are not the same in one

Illustration: Andy and his son, Alan, ran a business together--yup, “Andy and Son.” One man who claims to be “in the know” is telling another person: “You know, both of their business cards say they are ‘owner.’ That means that both the father and the son are actually one person.” The second person, not being so gullible, responds, “What! You’re crazy. Just because they are both owners doesn’t make them one-in-the-same person.” However, the first man insisted he himself is correct. The second has never met either the father or son in person, so regardless of how sound his reasoning was--even pointing the sign that displayed “Andy and Son,” the first person refused to believe otherwise.

As illogical as the convictions of the first man are to any reasoning person of average intelligence, for some odd reason, people fall hook, line, and sinker when this same scenario is applied to God and his Son (Jesus Christ). People today want to believe they are one-in-the-same person. Then, when you get some who claim to be authorities, such as the Catholic church, purporting such a belief, it only confounds the common people. Yet, the above same scenario is exactly the one the Catholic church used to make its point. It says that since “lord” is applied both to God and to Jesus, that proves they are one in the same. (Under “IV Lord,” See item 446.) The real fact is that the word lord, which in loose secular comparison can be likened to ruler or boss, is applied throughout scripture even to many humans in authority. So the reasoning used by the Catholic church is not sound.

Notes: n/a

Friday, October 10, 2014

Coloring Book

Symbol: Child with Crayon

Lesson: Restrictions teach us self-control

Illustration: Children are infamous for showing impatience while coloring. First they decide that staying within the coloring book lines is just too restrictive. Then staying on the paper itself is just too stifling for a budding artist that sees a wall as a easel for grander expressions. Everything is turning out so beautiful, so big, so free--that is, until mom or dad walk in the room.

The same goes with sexual expression. Today, people find the Biblical, God-given direction of sexual intimacy being restricted to heterosexual relations and only within the marriage arrangement to be too restrictive. They want freedom to express themselves in all sorts of venues that the Bible simply and frankly says is wrong. They don't want to stay within the guidelines of a heterosexual monogamous relationship, they want to paint the town red with their fornication.

The crayon that the child used on the wall is not at fault, it is not bad. It was the child's misuse of the crayon. Similarly, the beautiful expression of sex that God gave us is not bad. It is the misuse of this ability that God says "no" to.

Notes: N/A