Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Kingdom Coin

The message of the Kingdom is a single coin. All coins have two sides. There is a saying, “heads you win, tails you lose.” Well, our heads are raised in positive anticipation in that we see the winning side of the coin—all the benefits brought to mankind both individually and collectively through the Kingdom arrangement.

But “the nations” see only the losing side, the tails side. The nations are angry because Kingdom rule means an end to their rule, their sovereignty as earth’s rulers. To them, the Kingdom message is only a “bad penny.” The positive side of fair and loving rulership by Jehovah and his anointed King, Christ Jesus, is not seen that way by them. It means they have to surrender their self-rule. So even the “heads” side of the coin, the side of benefits brought by Kingdom rule, looks like the tails (losing side) to them.

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