Symbol: Butterflies
verses Caterpillars
Lesson: Do
you promote love of life or hatred?
Butterflies pollinate. Caterpillars defoliate. Butterflies spread the element
(pollen) that encourages growth for the betterment of the environment.
Caterpillars do little more than consume the environment and leave destruction
in their wake.
Christ spoke of his followers
as being the light of the world. With the “pollen” of our Kingdom message of
hope, we encourage appreciation for life both now and into eternity. However,
Satan’s world of humans alienated from God demonstrate their hate-filled destruction
of not only this beautiful planet, but of all moral restraint. Satan’s
entertainment promotes love of death and the “living dead.” Satan’s war machine
promotes death and hatred. The news media knows that sensationalism sells. None
of Satan’s ways promote life. They are the voracious caterpillars.
Notes: n/a