Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Brick House

Symbol: House built with bricks

Lesson: Like a house built of bricks, building strong relationships takes time.

Illustration: Strong, enduring relationships are built over time. They do not happen instantly. It is something like building a home with bricks. Each brick is one more experience in the relationship that makes it solid and binding. One brick does not build a home, neither does one encounter build a relationship. Many bricks, carefully laid alongside and on top of each other, filled with mortar (the “glue” that binds the bricks together), can over time build protection to weather against any storm. Reinforcing those bricks with rods makes the structure stronger still. In relationships, the mortar is love and respect. The rods of stable and mature personalities add to the relationship.

Now, applying all this to our relationship with our Creator, we can see how impossible it is to expect God to accept foxhole Christians. They just haven’t made any attempt to build a relationship. God will not save a relationship that never existed. If a person never valued God enough to get to know Him before, what evidence does God have that the person will really remain loyal in the future? If you were in a friendship or some other close-tie relationship with a person that dismissively ignored you and treated you as unimportant, would you be inclined to help that person? Now, if that same person came to you crying for urgent help and promising loyalty and love, would you believe his words?

Notes: n/a

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Enjoy Spiritual Company

Symbol: Eating a meal alone

Lesson: Much more enjoyable eating with others. This is also true spiritually.

Illustration: There was a time while working for an international communications firm that I traveled throughout northern California (Chico to Bakersfield). I was given a per diem of $30/day for meals. I would eat frugally for both breakfast and lunch so that when dinner came I could “eat like a king.” To me, that would be having a shellfish dinner, either lobster or crab or shrimp. If I had to throw in a little extra from my own pocket, it was still no big deal.

After a while, I began to realize that while I did enjoy the meal, I noticed those around me enjoying their family or business companions. I however, because I was a lone-tech, always ate alone. That got boring and emotionally unrewarding after a while. I noticed I enjoyed eating a simple meal at home (when I was in town) with my family more than the luxurious meals I had on the road by myself.

By extension, this is also true of any activity. At Hebrews 10:24,25 Paul tells us that truly spiritually mature Christians appreciate the value of meeting together. Additionally, Jude spoke of Christian gatherings as love feasts. These were not merely physical meals and jovial gatherings. They were spiritual banquets as evidenced by the context that the effect of some attendees was subversive. Indeed, just as eating alone can nourish but not encourage, reading and studying alone will do the same. It is much more encouraging to gather with like-minded Christians.

Notes: n/a

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Family Business

Symbol: Father and Son business

Lesson: God and Jesus are not the same in one

Illustration: Andy and his son, Alan, ran a business together--yup, “Andy and Son.” One man who claims to be “in the know” is telling another person: “You know, both of their business cards say they are ‘owner.’ That means that both the father and the son are actually one person.” The second person, not being so gullible, responds, “What! You’re crazy. Just because they are both owners doesn’t make them one-in-the-same person.” However, the first man insisted he himself is correct. The second has never met either the father or son in person, so regardless of how sound his reasoning was--even pointing the sign that displayed “Andy and Son,” the first person refused to believe otherwise.

As illogical as the convictions of the first man are to any reasoning person of average intelligence, for some odd reason, people fall hook, line, and sinker when this same scenario is applied to God and his Son (Jesus Christ). People today want to believe they are one-in-the-same person. Then, when you get some who claim to be authorities, such as the Catholic church, purporting such a belief, it only confounds the common people. Yet, the above same scenario is exactly the one the Catholic church used to make its point. It says that since “lord” is applied both to God and to Jesus, that proves they are one in the same. (Under “IV Lord,” See item 446.) The real fact is that the word lord, which in loose secular comparison can be likened to ruler or boss, is applied throughout scripture even to many humans in authority. So the reasoning used by the Catholic church is not sound.

Notes: n/a

Friday, October 10, 2014

Coloring Book

Symbol: Child with Crayon

Lesson: Restrictions teach us self-control

Illustration: Children are infamous for showing impatience while coloring. First they decide that staying within the coloring book lines is just too restrictive. Then staying on the paper itself is just too stifling for a budding artist that sees a wall as a easel for grander expressions. Everything is turning out so beautiful, so big, so free--that is, until mom or dad walk in the room.

The same goes with sexual expression. Today, people find the Biblical, God-given direction of sexual intimacy being restricted to heterosexual relations and only within the marriage arrangement to be too restrictive. They want freedom to express themselves in all sorts of venues that the Bible simply and frankly says is wrong. They don't want to stay within the guidelines of a heterosexual monogamous relationship, they want to paint the town red with their fornication.

The crayon that the child used on the wall is not at fault, it is not bad. It was the child's misuse of the crayon. Similarly, the beautiful expression of sex that God gave us is not bad. It is the misuse of this ability that God says "no" to.

Notes: N/A

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Guided Tour of Bible

Symbol: Guided Tour

Lesson: Learn more with someone who knows

Illustration: Over the years, I have visited both forests and museums that offered guided tours. Alternately, if I wanted, I was welcome to just stroll around. Sometimes the tour option cost money, but other times it was just as free as going it alone. I usually opt to go alone because I don’t like crowds and even more so, I can’t stand feeling like a tourist—even though I am one! I would always tell myself, “There are markers and sign posts that I can read if I want.”

As I walked along, every so often I crossed paths with the tour group and I would overhear the knowledgeable tour guide telling things I hadn’t noticed and tidbits not mentioned on the sign post markers. I began to realize I was missing some very interesting points by insisting on being alone. Then I would begin to hang out on the fringes of the tour group, too embarrassed to get close because I had already turned down the invitation. Sometimes, I would go back and sign up for the next tour.

This is actually very applicable to studying the Bible. While reading it on our own is a good habit to develop, acquiring an accurate and correct understanding of it is best done with a guided tour. The offer made by Jehovah’s Witnesses is a free guided tour. The reason ours is free is not because we don’t value what we do, but rather because Jesus said “you received free, give free.” I don’t know if other religious groups charge for that service.

Notes: Over the decades, I’ve met some very kind-hearted people who, in response to my offer to conduct a free Bible study-course with them, have said they’d rather study on their own. I’m always happy to hear that they have such determination but I know first-hand how challenging that effort can be.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Riding A Bike

Symbol: Learning to ride a bike.

Lesson: Don’t give up. Experience & confidence come from repeatedly trying.

Illustration: Learning to ride bicycle is one of those youthful experiences that people recount with horror and with laughter. Even initially with training wheels, it can be unnerving. Scrapes and bruises are pretty much bound to happen. But most everyone I’ve ever met, eventually conquers their fears, learns to balance and steer and becomes so good at it, they can even ride declaring, “Look ma! No hands.”

The same goes with learning to express ourselves, especially about potentially volatile subject such as the Bible. We may feel a great deal of apprehension for fear of not knowing what to say, saying the wrong thing, or being humiliated. But if we don’t “take the bull by the horns” and make repeated attempts, we will never gain the confidence to declare our faith easily. Instead of worrying that we may “fall” in our efforts, just accept that we WILL fall--and tell ourselves to get back up and try again. It is part of learning. As time progresses and you gain more experience and confidence, you will remember and learn new ways to speak with those you are sincerely trying to aid.

Notes: (n/a)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stand Firm Against Winds

Symbol: Winds

Illustration: Trying to walk against wind depends on the force of the wind. If it is just a mild breeze, it is no problem. However, if it is a gale force, not only will it prevent you from proceeding, but it may blow you backwards.

It is the same way with the winds of popular opinion. If it is little more than the mild breeze of peer pressure (“Come on, what harm can it do? Try it, you’ll like it.”), then just our determination alone can overcome it. However, if it is the overpowering winds of gale-force persecution, even if we stand our principled ground, we may get blown down (die). Thankfully, our God knows how to undo all the negative effects of any problems we face.

Notes: When others see that they cannot influence us through "gentle persuasion," at times they resort to violence. They may justify their actions as "teaching us a lesson," but usually that is just a very poor excuse for their evil ends.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Water Ripple Effect

Symbol: Water Ripple

Lesson: Action/Reaction/Consequences

Illustration: Our decisions and actions are not without consequence. It is like throwing a rock into a pond—the rock does not merely sink, leaving no evidence. Rather it causes ripples in the water that take varying degrees of time to smooth out, depending on the size of and force with which the rock hit. Likewise, what we do and say can have a ripple effect lasting much longer than a mere water ripple. Especially bad or poor decisions/actions can affect us for a very long time. It is no wonder that Proverbs 14:15 advises those who would be truly wise (and shrewd) to consider each step (action) they take.

Notes: I heard this illustration used in a recent speech. It is not a new thought. Searching the web, TEDx has a few links to the ripple effect that good deeds have on others. Still, I wanted to capture this illustration in this blog for posterity’s sake.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fence Sitting

Symbol: Sitting on fence

Lesson: No such thing when it comes to serving God.

Illustration: If you decide to build a new fence but your neighbor doesn’t agree with it, the fence needs to be built completely on your property. I once heard that it was up to five or six feet. This means that if you sat on top of that fence, no matter which side you fall, you would still be on your property.

Satan has made every attempt to keep people from serving Jehovah. As the “god of this system of things” he builds a fence designed to prevent, inhibit or discourage people from whole-hearted commitment. So while rejecting Satan and evil ways is a good thing, if that is not accompanied by active, positive action in serving God, that is figurative fence-sitting. Just “believing” in God is not enough.

Unless we have completely aligned ourselves with God, Jesus indicated that indecisiveness is like fence sitting. When the time of judgement comes or the end of our life comes, even if we try to jump off the fence and go over to God's side, it may be too late at that time. In effect, no matter what side we fall on, it is still on Satan’s property. We need to be away from the fence (of indecisiveness) and well within the midst of God's "drove."

Notes: n/a

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hindsight Better

Symbol: Driving, coming up on a distant landscape.

Lesson: Hindsight is better than foresight.

Illustration: As we are coming up on something in the distance, whether it be a town, a farm, or something else, we might find ourselves thinking, “I think I see what it is.” Even as we pass through it, we may still find ourselves trying to determine features about it. However, after having gone through it, we may finally have a good idea.

Similarly, on this side of an unfulfilled prophecy, we may think we have an idea of how it will unfold, turn out. Even as the prophecy is being fulfilled, we may not completely realize or appreciate it. It is not until we are on the other side, where it is now a fulfilled prophecy that we find ourselves thinking, “Oh! Yes, that makes perfect sense. I wonder how I didn’t see it in the first place.”

Notes: Even with personal decisions that may have us baffled, confused, and uncertain, it is usually after the situation has played out that we, in hindsight, say, "I wish I would have handled this differently." But this is not the case with God. He knows exactly how to handle things for everyone's best interests. His foresight is just as clear & certain as his hindsight.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Energy Drink

Symbol: Energy Drink

Lesson: Natural tendency for long periods of wakefulness is to grow tired. Nothing wrong with that. But when you need to stay awake, an energy boost is very helpful. Keep spiritually energized with spiritual activity.

Illustration: If you have ever worked graveyards or had to stay awake for some urgent situation, you know what a struggle it can be somewhere between 1AM and 3AM to stay awake. Your body naturally desires to sleep. Coffee or an energy drink can help in such times. But on a spiritual level, growing tired after years of faithful service (spiritual wakefulness) can be dangerous to our relationship with our creator. In such cases, what is our spiritual energy drink? Jesus himself answers that at Matthew 26:41.

Notes: Prayer is actually only one energy boost that God provides us to help us stay spiritually alert. There is also our Christian meetings, our association with fellow believers, and most of all our ministry. Put all of those together, and you will have the greatest adrenalin rush in these times we are living.

Auxiliary Scripture: 1 Thes.5:6