Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sanctify - Clean Dishes

Symbol: Clean dishes & glassware

Lesson: Appreciating the honor of our being invited to know God & Christ

Illustration: Consider the act of washing dishes and drinking glasses. Under regular activity you might be satisfied that you got the items cleaned, dried, and put back on the shelf. But now what happens when someone special comes to visit. Even though the daily plates are clean, most people I know take out their best china and glassware. Even though the water-stained daily glasses are indeed clean and usable, for most hosts I know, using those would be an embarrassment. And even though the china and glassware is clean, I’ve seen my wife wash them again even though they had been safely stored away. And she is not satisfied that they are clean and dry, she makes sure that there is no water stain, no crack, no blemish whatsoever.

That is the sense of the Greek words “sanctify” and “sanctification.” God is cleansing us not to be stuck on some shelf (sit in a church pew once a week), but to proudly display us as his finest dinnerware. We are being put to use to carry a specially prepared meal.

Notes: The word “sanctification” is/was a difficult one for me to wrap my mind around. While understanding Greek grammar has its benefits, what is more important is that we can extrapolate the impact of what is being said and apply it to our relationship with Jehovah and his Son, Jesus Christ. 

(This post as a result of reflecting on 1 Peter 1:2)

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